Minecraft multiplayer master
Minecraft multiplayer master

minecraft multiplayer master

marry.offlinedivorce - Allows a priest to divorce a couple if only one of them is online.tpriest - Allow someone to make players to priests.marry.changesurname - Allows to change the surname when self marry is on or if you are a priest.lfmarry - Allows a player to send other players marry requests without the need of a priest.marry.backpack - Allows to share the backpacks (requires Minepacks) - Allows you to gift items to your partner.marry.kiss - Allows to kiss your partner.- Allows magic format in private messages.- Allows formating private messages (except magic) - Allow to use the private chat with the partner.- Allow to use the home with the partner.marry.pvpoff - Allow to turn pvp with partner off.

minecraft multiplayer master

  • marry.pvpon - Allow to turn pvp with partner on.
  • marry.list - Allow to list all married players.
  •* - Gives acces to all chat options.
  • minecraft multiplayer master

    er - Gives acces to all user functions.pass - Gives all bypassing permissions.marry.admin - Allow to setpriests and reload and also makes you a priest.

    minecraft multiplayer master

    /marry reload - Reloads the configuration of the plugin./marry listenchat - Shows the marry chat./marry me - Sends a player a marry request./marry backpack off - Disallows your partner to use your backpack./marry backpack on - Allows your partner to use your backpack./marry backpack - Opens the backpack of your partner./marry gift - Gifts the item in your hand to your partner./marry pvpoff - Turns PvP between two married players off./marry pvpon - Turns PvP between two married players on./marry chat toggle - Toggles the chat to send all chat messages to the partner instead of to the public./marry chat - Allows to chat a couple private./marry home - Teleports to the home of married players./marry sethome - Sets the home for two married players./marry list - Shows all married players./marry divorce - Divorces two players, only for priests./marry - Marries two players, only for priests.Multi Language (English and German Language File included).Minepacks integration to share backpacks.Optional vault support (for permissions and economy).Option to enable the need to accept the marriage.Ability to kiss your partner (with particle effect on 1.7 and newer).Marry players through a priest or yourself.faster health regeneration when near partner.Thanks everyone for over 150.000 downloads! It offers an outstanding compatibility with older Minecraft versions and gets updated regularly. Marriage Master allows you to marry another player in Minecraft to get some extras.

    Minecraft multiplayer master