Spidermonkey has enhanced agility and enhanced acrobatic skills. Spidermonkey is very durable considering his size, as shown when he was able to survive seemingly unharmed after several large pieces of concrete fell on him. Spidermonkey is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

Spidermonkey has enhanced strength, as he was capable of using a lamp post to hit Ultimate Kevin up a few feet, carry Queen Voratia Rumbletum over his back, and carry No Watch Ben while web-slinging without any difficulty. Spidermonkey can use his webbing to create web constructs, such as a web slingshot. Spidermonkey can also shape his webs into slings to swing across vast distances. His webbing is very sticky, meaning he can use it to trap opponents or blind them by shooting webbing in their face. Spidermonkey has the ability to expel webbing using a silk as strong as steel cable from his tail. In Omniverse, Negative Spidermonkey looks mostly the same as Ben's Spidermonkey except his fur is recolored black, his skin is recolored greyish, the stripes in his hair and on his tail are recolored light grey, and his eyes, sashes, and Ultimatrix symbol are recolored red. In The Final Battle: Part 1, Negative Spidermonkey's eyes and Ultimatrix symbol were recolored red. In Good Copy, Bad Copy, Negative Spidermonkey looked exactly like Ben's Spidermonkey. The Omnitrix symbol on his chest is now connected to two green sashes worn across his chest. His nose has now shifted to his forehead and its shape has changed. In Omniverse, Spidermonkey has three pairs of green eyes (making a total of six), his hair is flipped up, the two stripes on his tail have turned white, and the fur on his head is spiky with white stripes. The shape of the fur surrounding the bottom of his face is also slightly different. In Heroes United, Spidermonkey looked mostly the same except his eyes were completely black like a spider, although he retained the green pupils.

In Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Spidermonkey had two pairs of green eyes (making a total of four), wore the Omnitrix/ Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. Spidermonkey is a small monkey-like alien with four arms, two legs, three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, blue fur over a dark blue center, and a tail with two stripes near the tip.